General VOICE Meeting - 18 September 2004

Chairman of the meeting Roderick Klein
Call the meeting to order.
1. Announcements
2. Old Business
     A) SpeakUp (Roderick)
     B) Lottery for members.
3) New Business.
     A) Treasurer report (Gordon)
     B) Do we want to renew the NORMAN anti virus licenses. (Gordon)
     C) Should VOICE support Netlabs - decision postponed to next meeting (Roderick)
     D) A representative of VOICE present at Warpstock (Gordon)
3. Other Business
     Speak up, speak freely or wait for the next meeting :-)
4. Adjournment

Summary - Decisions/Announcements Made
1. SpeakUp
     DFSee SpeakUp session 1 was held last Saturday.
     DFSee SpeakUp session 2 will be held next Saturday the 25th.
     Future SpeakUps to be held the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month
     Discussion about October SpeakUp overlapping with Warpstock.
2. Lottery/raffle for members of VOICE
     Further details to come next month.
3. Support for NetLabs to be discussed at next meeting.
4. Next meeting will on the 3rd of October.

Meeting Log
Chairman of the meeting Roderick Klein called the meeting to order at 15:24:34 EDT
<eCSNL> I know the agenda should have left earlier.
<eCSNL> I hereby declare this meeting VOICE meeting opened.
<eCSNL> Chairman is Roderick Klein (me)
<eCSNL> and secretary is John Edwards.
<eCSNL> John you have started taking a log?
<JWE> The log is rolling.
<WalterOS2> I received a bill from UPS for $55 (approx) for shipping VOICE1. Would it appropriate to send the bill to the Treasurer?
<KenKrchnr> Was that CAN duty?
<WalterOS2> UPS brokerage, et al fees.
<WalterOS2> If you have a place for me to upload the JPG images, everyone can see the bill.
<KenKrchnr> They were supposed to bill us for that, let me see what they did (Monday).
<WalterOS2> Ken: Now you know why I never use UPS.
<KenKrchnr> Ahhh, it would have cost us more in gas to drive it up :-)
<eCSNL> WalterOS2 send the invoice to Gordon I suggest.
<WalterOS2> I'd like to get the Chairman's ruling as to when to discuss this.
<WalterOS2> OK
<eCSNL> Look I will put it simple.
<eCSNL> My opinion is VOICE pays for this.
<eCSNL> Send it to Gordon and he should transfer the made expenses to your account.
<eCSNL> If somebody objects against this let him step forward now...
<eCSNL> You made expenses for VOICE in this case (direct expenses) I don't think its more then fair this gets paid back.
<WalterOS2> Normally, I'd pay it myself, but this month we have a lot of heavy expenses. :-(
<eCSNL> VOICE is in financial good position.
<eCSNL> Lets keep it this way. But if you have made such direct expenses its reasonable it gets paid back.
<eCSNL> But as always lets keep this kind of expenses to the a minimum.
<eCSNL> :-)
<eCSNL> Lets move on to the next agenda point.
<eCSNL> Unless somebody wants to comment on this payment?
<WalterOS2> I sent a copy of the invoice to Roderick and Ken.
<WalterOS2> If anyone else wants it I can send it to him as well.
<WalterOS2> Roderick: It looks like it's safe to move on. :-)
<eCSNL> OK thank you.
<eCSNL> I consider this item closed.
<eCSNL> Nobody commented.
<eCSNL> First point I put in the agenda.
* eCSNL puts on the hat of Liaison Officer.
<eCSNL> OK the SpeakUp was held. That was a fact.
<eCSNL> We had a turnout of about 20 to 22 people (including me).
<eCSNL> I consider this good. I think the SpeakUp tradition needs to sink again to people get used to it.
<eCSNL> Do it on the 2 and 4th Saturday of the month
<eCSNL> a SpeakUp.
<eCSNL> One of the mistakes they make with making time tables for trains and buses. A train should run a fixed interval.
<eCSNL> A fixed interval is easy for people to remember.
<eCSNL> The same with SpeakUps.
<eCSNL> I'm certain if this pattern is repeated over the months more people will join the SpeakUps.
<eCSNL> For the SpeakUps I have the following people in mind.
<eCSNL> Next week is the SpeakUp with Jan for people targeted in Asia and Australia.
<eCSNL> For next month I will ask Micheal Nechesak.
<WalterOS2> Forgive my ignorance, but who is he?
<WalterOS2> :-)
<eCSNL> He is from Scitechsoft
<WalterOS2> Ah.
<eCSNL> He works on OpenWatcom compiler.
<WalterOS2> That will be good.
<WalterOS2> It's a great pity that there are so many C/C++ compilers around.
<eCSNL> Somebody who works at Mensys says
<WalterOS2> If OpenWatcom gets working properly, that will help a lot.
<eCSNL> A dead platform is a platform without up to date compilers.
<WalterOS2> Right on.
<eCSNL> We have OpenWatcom
<eCSNL> and GCC.
<eCSNL> Two key components.
<WalterOS2> IMO a totally text-based compiler (GCC) is very hard to use.
<WalterOS2> Except for a few super-brilliant types. :-)
<eCSNL> Its not that hard
<eCSNL> and having GCC is a BIG plus...
<eCSNL> Anyway this is off topic.
<WalterOS2> :-)
<WalterOS2> Sorry.
<eCSNL> I'm looking at the dates.
<eCSNL> Should there be SpeakUps in October with Warpstock.
<WalterOS2> Maybe one, but not two.
<WalterOS2> My opinion again. :-)
<eCSNL> Well I want to keep a fixed rhythm as I typed.
<eCSNL> Each SpeakUp will always have two sessions for the different time zones.
* eCSNL has to leave for 2 minutes
<eCSNL> sorry
<eCSNL> Is Gordon present?
<eCSNL> hmm
<eCSNL> that makes the agenda shorter
<eCSNL> Sadly the lottery stuff I have not been able to devote time on it at Mensys.
<eCSNL> I put in on my to-do list but it got snowed in.
<JWE> With both Warpstocks on the 4th Saturday, could the 2 sessions of the next SpeakUp be held one in October and one in November on the 2nd Saturday.
<eCSNL> Now on the point of VOICE supporting
<eCSNL> Netlabs.
<eCSNL> What was discussed on that at the last meeting?
<JWE> The discussion 2 meetings ago was about how much and for which project(s) and who decides on which project. Then tabled for further thought.
<WalterOS2> That I remember.
<JWE> No motions were made although the principle seemed acceptable but the details were lacking.
<eCSNL> That was it.
<eCSNL> Sorry about it.
<eCSNL> The reason that did not get done and the lottery stuff is because the work in the office.
<eCSNL> The workload for me has dropped by to normal levels.
<eCSNL> I can now focus better on VOICE again.
<eCSNL> The agenda also went out the door just a few hours before this meeting.
<eCSNL> So I guess Gordon missed it because of this reason.
<eCSNL> Next week there is going to be SpeakUp.
<WalterOS2> He's also been having *severe* computer problems.
<eCSNL> And with the next meeting you will hear from me on the how to attract more members.
<eCSNL> Solid plans for the lottery.
<eCSNL> I made the SpeakUp move forward so I hope you trust me on this :-)
<eCSNL> Are there any other points people would like to put forward?
<WalterOS2> I don't have any.
<eCSNL> Anybody else?
<eCSNL> Who is in favor of closing this meeting say Aye.
<Hawklord> Aye
<JWE> Aye
<eCSNL> Aye
<WalterOS2> Aye
<eCSNL> People against this?
* eCSNL always wants to move quickly on here?
<Hawklord> One thing, I don't see the upcoming SpeakUps in the Events Calendar
<eCSNL> HAaa, noted.
<eCSNL> Thank you.
<eCSNL> I hereby declare this meeting closed and would to thank you for your time.
<eCSNL> Next meetings will be faster again and more agenda points.
<eCSNL> So please join.
<eCSNL> Thank you.
* eCSNL hits the virtual chairman hammer on the table.