VOICE - General Meeting for 2004-05-01

12:04:32 <WalterOS2> This meeting of VOICE is now in session.
<wdl> ...and is being logged, already.
<WalterOS2> :-)
<WalterOS2> OK.
<WalterOS2> A. Old Business
<WalterOS2> 1. Treasurer's Report
<Gord> The balance of the account is $[bleep!] CDN
<Gord> I have one cheque here for a membership to be deposited.
* WalterOS2 says Agenda is at http://www.os2voice.org/agendas/voice_2004-05-01.html
<Gord> I have obtained a receipt book and a book to use as a ledger to record rtransactions.
<WalterOS2> Gord: Do you know roughly what that is in US$
<Gord> Looking at the dates of membership expiry in the database I am finding they are off by some months.
<WalterOS2> Not surprising.
<Gord> About $[bleep!]. Figuring .72 cent dollar.
<Gord> I sent the money order to Warpstock.
<Gord> Have not paid any other bills.
<Gord> Am writing up a job description so the next person who does this won't have to go thru what I'm going thru.
<Gord> Getting comfortable with the e-mail lines.
<Gord> Not sure what to do about the bad expiry dates.
<Gord> Questions?
<Gord> Also the database contains anyone who has ever been a member, current or not.
<WalterOS2> How many members have incorrect expiry dates?
<wdl> Gord: "...ever been a member" is a good thing, actually.
<wdl> Walter: That was a not to me? If so, thanks.
<wdl> "not" = "note"
<WalterOS2> Gord:Does the db or bank statements tell you has paid?
<Gord> So far, I've only checked 4 or 5 but every date I checked has been wrong.
<WalterOS2> :-(
<WalterOS2> Suggestions anyone?
<Gord> NO.
<wdl> Gord: Is there a patter, suggesting any way for some kind of machine-driven correction of dates???
<wdl> "patter" = "pattern"
<Gord> Besides the personal information there is only a field for EXPIRY containing a date.
<wdl> Gord: No field for date-joined, or date-paid?
<Gord> Mine was wrong, Christian's was wrong, I had an e-mail conversation with an memeber ...
<Gord> and the date he claimed for member ship was very different to the DB
<Gord> No, just the expiry date.
<WalterOS2> Gord: Do you have any information as to when a member last paid?
<Gord> No pattern yet.
<wdl> Gord: Would known/verified dates from reliable members help determine if there is a pattern to the EXPIRY offset = error??
<Gord> No last paid date, either.
<WalterOS2> double :-(
<Gord> Maybe.
<wdl> Gord: Hmmm. Guess the database needs re-structuring? New fields built into it?
<Gord> Seems so.
<Gord> Before I forget, any word from Roderick on his payment?
<WalterOS2> Checking....
<Gord> There have been no deposits from Mensys or BMT as of the last bank statement.
<Gord> It seems we have all the money from the Kitimat account. Still have to check if that account is closed.
<WalterOS2> Not that I could find.
<WalterOS2> For some reason, I think, he was waiting to see what happened with the Kitimat account.
<WalterOS2> I'll update him and remind him to transfer the money. :-)
<WalterOS2> He has all the info for our Toronto branch.
<Gord> He was also waiting to see if I had any record of the the mosty recent payment from him. I don't.
<eCSNL> hello
<Gord> Hi
<wdl> Hi
<WalterOS2> Gord: What would we learn if we asked the banks to search their archives for both Kitimat and Toronto?
<Gord> Based on what they have sent me so far I think all we would get is Amounts and dates, not payees.
<eCSNL> I don't have much time but I'm here for basicly 3 things.
<WalterOS2> Roderick: Just a quick update. All the money from the former VOICE account has been transferred to the new one, and the account closed.
<Gord> Not very useful.
<eCSNL> I send an email about the last payment we did to VOICE.
<eCSNL> Ahaa oke
<eCSNL> So the books are not in a tip top condition :-(
<WalterOS2> So if you arrange to send the money Mensys owes us to the Toronto branch, that would be great.
<WalterOS2> :-)
<WalterOS2> Roderick: Not exactly. double :-(
<WalterOS2> You were quoting a figure of 170 Euros awhile ago. Where did that come from?
<eCSNL> I quoted more...
<WalterOS2> :-)
<WalterOS2> I hate being in the middle myself. :-)
<wdl> Walter: "I'm away, looking for myself. If I return before I get back, ...keep me here."
<wdl> ;-) ;-) !!
<Gord> If we see you, should we let you know?
<WalterOS2> I'd like to handle the Mensys matter between me, Mensys and Gord and not take up more meeting time if that's OK.
<wdl> Absolutely! How else would I know?
<WalterOS2> I don't want to put Roderick in the middle anymore.
<WalterOS2> He told me that Mensys has sent a cheque to VOICE for 225 Euros, but I do not know when.
<Gord> Was it sent to my home address?
<eCSNL> The last record I could find of a payment to VOICE was
<eCSNL> a cheque send
<eCSNL> on the 10th of january 2001
<eCSNL> for 225 US dollars
<eCSNL> that is the last record I could find of a payment to VOICE
<eCSNL> Feel free to contact the person at MEnsys who maitains the books
<eCSNL> But I already went threw all the records we could find...
<WalterOS2> I must have seriously misunderstood something, then.
<eCSNL> No...
<eCSNL> I typed this severeal times in some emails I can dig up again
<WalterOS2> I don't want to keep talking about a small amount of money that Mensys may or may not owe us.
<Gord> This is not a small amount of money.
<WalterOS2> Our books are in a shambles, and a good relationship with Mensys (and Roderick) is too important to risk over a relatively small amount of money.
<WalterOS2> Gord: Compared to the current VOICE balance it really is. :-)
<Gord> A good relationship is paramount.
<WalterOS2> The bottom line is that there is no way to prove whether or not it is owed to us
<wdl> I say write-off that money as uncollectable", and move on...
<Gord> But if we keep donating amounts like we gave to Warpstock the balance will soon be gone.
<WalterOS2> Exactly.
<WalterOS2> wdl: Exactly
<wdl> Warpstock is a one-off charge. Always under our control.
<WalterOS2> Gord: If our balance starts to get too low, then our contribution will have to slow or stop.
<WalterOS2> We are not obligated to support anyone. :-)
<wdl> The Warpstock contribution *isn't* automatic, ...is it????
<WalterOS2> wdl: No.
<wdl> Then, so far, not to worry.
<eCSNL> Oke I just kicked out an email
<eCSNL> to the financial department
<eCSNL> of Mensys
<WalterOS2> Mark and the board "like" to get it, but they don't expect it automatically.
<eCSNL> How do you guys want the money transfered ?
<eCSNL> In Canadian Dollars
<eCSNL> or
<eCSNL> US dollars ?
<Gord> I don't have enough experience with the bank yet to know if non-Canadian funds will be a problem.
<Gord> Is sending Cdn dollars a problem for you?
<eCSNL> Nope
<eCSNL> Oke
<eCSNL> Then you will get
<Gord> hello?
<Gord> Has there been a server crash?
<WalterOS2> We're discussing the matter, Hold on....
<WalterOS2> On the phone even...
<WalterOS2> Roderick has found documentation that shows us Mensys has voice membership fees of about $[bleep!] Cdn that has not been forwarded to us.
<WalterOS2> [bleep! - per request].
<WalterOS2> He has/is going to send an email to Mensys asking them to forward that money to Voice.
<eCSNL> We already have the
<WalterOS2> I'm back now. :-)
<eCSNL> proper info for the bank transfer
<WalterOS2> Good.
<WalterOS2> Unless there are further questions, I'd like to move on...
<WalterOS2> 2. Speakup status.
<WalterOS2> Roderick the floor is yours...
<WalterOS2> Have you gotten a response from the vendor you sent the email to?
<WalterOS2> I guess Roderick is away for the moment. :-)
<eCSNL> No
<eCSNL> just chatting
<eCSNL> to Ken
<WalterOS2> tsk. tsk.
<eCSNL> about a measure to reduce space
<eCSNL> futher
<eCSNL> space=spam
<WalterOS2> What about the speakup?
<eCSNL> I still have not been able to get threw to John Gow
<eCSNL> I got his wife on the phone
<eCSNL> but he was just out the door...
<WalterOS2> Let's leave him for the time being.
<WalterOS2> Christian proposed we setup a speakup with Adrian Gschwend
<WalterOS2> I agree very heartily. :-)
<eCSNL> Oke
<eCSNL> Good idea!
<WalterOS2> Innotek is doing so much for OS2/eCS these days.
<WalterOS2> Roderick: Can you contact him regarding a Speakup and ask him what date would be convenient?
<eCSNL> yes
<eCSNL> but firest I will go
<eCSNL> and just let Adriaan get onto the stage :-)
<WalterOS2> What do you mean?
<eCSNL> As just suggested
<eCSNL> a speakup
<eCSNL> with Adriaan Geschwend
<eCSNL> Some interesting projects are also coming from Netlabs
<eCSNL> like a samba client
<eCSNL> and
<eCSNL> now the launched firewire project
<WalterOS2> Christian also suggested we start supporting Netlabs.
<WalterOS2> Actually I had just been thinking of the same idea.
<WalterOS2> :-)
<WalterOS2> Does anyone have specific suggestions or ideas on this?
<WalterOS2> Here's Christian's proposal from his email:
<WalterOS2> in the light of Netlabs' latest efforts (hiring developers), I would like to discuss the following:
<WalterOS2> First, VOICE should support Netlabs. We could hold votes on what software our members want the most and -
<WalterOS2> with respect to what can be done with our resources and what cannot - donate money that is earmarked for
<WalterOS2> that specific use. Netlabs would have to report on the exact usage.
<eCSNL> There VOICE should receive this month somewhere
<eCSNL> [bleep!] Canadian DOllars in its bank account
<Gord> Good news.
<eCSNL> $$$$$
<eCSNL> :-)
<WalterOS2> Thanks, Roderick. Please be sure to thank Mensys for us, as well.
<WalterOS2> Here's a URL of an editorial Christian is writing regarding support for Netlabs: http://www.os2voice.org/VNL/past_issues/VNL0504H/vnewsf1.htm
<WalterOS2> Since no one has any specific ideas about supporting Netlabs, I'm going to table it until next meeting and give you a chance to think about it.
<Gord> As far as Netlabs support goes, what can we do to foster new programmers?
<WalterOS2> 3. Status of VOICE banner.
<WalterOS2> Ken, your turn. :-)
<KenKrchnr> We're in the same place we were. I'm waiting for Bill to start his poll....
<KenKrchnr> He's going to work with me to get it set up, but ...
<KenKrchnr> we're waiting for a member list to poll :-)
<wdl> Ken: Which requires the *current* membership list... ???
<wdl> Ken: Sorry. We "doubled", sorta.
<KenKrchnr> Did you hear anything from Vaughn about that list (Walter)
<WalterOS2> Let me check....
<WalterOS2> Looks like a forgot to ask him. :-(
<WalterOS2> I'm really sorry.
<WalterOS2> I've spent most of the week trying to replace the NIC card in my Notebook. :-(
<WalterOS2> And helping a friend update his machine. :-)
<WalterOS2> Promise I'll do it this week.
<KenKrchnr> I've been "out of sorts" the past few days with a stomach virus myself, so not much would have been done anyway :-)
<WalterOS2> Gord: In answer to your earlier question: $$$ is always a good start. :-)
<WalterOS2> Ken: How are you feeling now?
<KenKrchnr> Getting better, but I still have to "disappear" every little bit :-(
<WalterOS2> We spent a lot of time on the bank account--which we needed to .
<WalterOS2> Some of the remaining stuff on the agenda is going to have be postponed until the next meeting.
<WalterOS2> Ken: I've been there, so I empathize.
<WalterOS2> wdl: Do you want to do the bylaws now?
<wdl> Walter: Up to you. I *hope* others have read the stuff...
<wdl> ...I sent it to you, Roderick, Gord, and Ken.
<WalterOS2> I'll send an email either to members or VOICE News about it's being on my site, and encourage people to read it.
<WalterOS2> How
<WalterOS2> How's that?
<wdl> Waslter: NOOOOO! Not Voice news, please.
<WalterOS2> And postpone it until next meeting?
<WalterOS2> OK, membership list--if we can get it.
<WalterOS2> I hope we can get a working one. :-)
<wdl> Walter: It's *purely* at a "is this the right direction?" stage. Not for open discussion all over...
<WalterOS2> Would you prefer to just post the message to admin?
<WalterOS2> Gives people a chance to ponder it as well.
<wdl> Walter: Hmm. Guess that would work. But I'd rather have just the few comment for the nonce.
<WalterOS2> nonce?
<wdl> Walter: ...and *then* give notice of something substantial to look at/discuss.
<wdl> "Nonce" = meantime, and/or similar/related.
<WalterOS2> OK, we can do that.
<wdl> Open question to those who've seen it: Is that the right direction to take??
<WalterOS2> Sounds good to me.
<WalterOS2> I aim to please.<g>
<WalterOS2> B. New Business
<Gord> They looked OK to me too.
<WalterOS2> 1. VOICE1 plan and status.
<WalterOS2> Ken, can you handle that or would you prefer that I do it?
<WalterOS2> I feel like I've been "talking" too much. :-)
<KenKrchnr> You can take the lead on that :-)
<WalterOS2> First of all, Ken, did you get in touch with Holand at TE?
<KenKrchnr> I emailed him this past Monday, but I've not heard back yet. I'll try again this Monday.
<WalterOS2> OK.
<WalterOS2> Here's the plan:
<WalterOS2> 1. Get Think Extreme to ship VOICE1 to Coloron in N.J. (Ken's facility)
<WalterOS2> 2. Ken will exchange the SCSI hard drives; if necessary upgrade the mobo to support WOL.
<wdl> NB: My TTW is glancing nervously my direction. "Sheesh. Please, maybe 10-15 minutes max?" ...She asks.
<WalterOS2> 3. Ken will write scripts necessary to automate nightly back ups from VOICE2 to VOICE1 as well as automatically switch to VOICE1 if VOICE2 starts to go down (e.g. power failure).
<WalterOS2> 4. Ken will then drive VOICE1 to an agreed upon location just north of the US/Cdn border.
<WalterOS2> 5. Walter will meet Ken at above location and transport machine to this house.
<WalterOS2> 6. Walter will connect VOICE1 to power and Internet.
<WalterOS2> DONE
<WalterOS2> Any questions?
<WalterOS2> :-)
<Gord> How will the internet connection be paid for?
<WalterOS2> I'm absorbing that. :-)
<Gord> OK
<Gord> and 'Thanks'
<WalterOS2> I rearranged my cable TV and Internet bill and its only about $12 more.
<WalterOS2> Gives me faster connection and "right" to use a server.
<WalterOS2> I've been wanting to install a server, anyway. :-)
<WalterOS2> I'll entertain a motion for adjournment (out of respect for TTW<g>)
<Gord> I move we adjourn.
<wdl> She'll certainly thank you.
<wdl> Second.
<WalterOS2> :-)
<WalterOS2> Second not required on motion to adjourn.
<wdl> You're right.
<WalterOS2> All in favour of adjourning, please type Aye.
<Gord> Aye
<wdl> Excess of zeal, here...
<wdl> Aye
<WalterOS2> Those opposed to adjourning, please type Nay.
<WalterOS2> Those asleep please type ZZZZZZZ
14:10:07 <WalterOS2> Motion is carried, meeting adjourned.